Mittwoch, 14. Oktober 2015

Ein Mädchen wollte Hochzeit machen... Fiderallala... Brides in White for "Simply Neutrals Tuesday"

Draußen wird's grauer und grauer... Um so heller werden die Dinge, die ich um mich herum versammle... So bin ich auf meine älteren Tage dem Prinzessinnenlook verfallen... Dem etwas angestaubt schäbigen...
Sie freuen sich, etwas Aufmerksamkeit zu bekommen! Vielen Dank für Euren Besuch bei uns!

The autumn sky is getting more and more grey... All the more reason to get crafting in lighter colours... Despite of my progressed age, I seem to be into the princess look... A more shabby, dusty look admittedly...
They are happy to get so much attention! Thanks so much for visiting!

And a little late, but all the more happy to link to: AppleApricot "Simply Neutrals Tuesday"

10 Kommentare:

Heather hat gesagt…

Dear Manu, these little people are so priceless! Thank you for making them, and for introducing us to them today. You've given me a reason to smile in the middle of a hectic day.

Sue @ Miss Phoebes Perch hat gesagt…

What a beautiful doll. I can't imagine all of the work that must go into making these. Thanks for sharing with us! Sue

Createology hat gesagt…

She is such a lovely Princess Manu Dear. Every detail has added to her beauty. Creative Bliss...

Words and Pictures hat gesagt…

They are enchanting, Manu - such a whimsical pretty look - and the details are wonderful, right down to the amazing tiny shoes, especially those ballet slippers. Wonderful creations - and I think there's nothing wrong with a touch of princess-style now and again!
Alison xx

Roses, Lace and Brocante hat gesagt…

Such beautiful dolls dear Manu!
They make me want to get married all over again!
My favourite is the doily dress and the bridal wreath - I would be very happy to wear that!
You are so clever dear Manu.
Love and happy thoughts
Shane x

Jackie PN hat gesagt…

Amazing and simply charming dollies Manu! Your laces are just beautiful and give so much to the magic of these girls!
hugs Jackiexo

AppleApricot Wen hat gesagt…

Your brides in white are so gorgeous and looking so peaceful! Thank you so much for linking up to my party :) Hugs xx

Lace Age Girl hat gesagt…

Manu, your whimsical brides are so sweet. I love the vintage lace and button on the first one. And the tied 'shoe' is clever, too. Have a lovely week, Jesse.

Dorthe hat gesagt…

Thank you dear Manu for showing your "inner princesses "
They are so wonderful, and whimsical , and love the one where you sewed the arms from outside :-) - they are dressed so lovely ,too, sweetie, with the old laces , and their wonderful little shoes . How big are they, they looks big.
Dear friend, my family are back home in Copenhagen, and the piece is back, for better and for worse ( speaking of merriage ,lol ) , but I have ajusted to the "loneliness " again.
Sending you wishes of blessings, and hugs, too.

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